
Please help us support good governance in Santa Monica.

Your generous contribution to my campaign will enable us to:

  1. Expand Parks and Open Spaces
  2. Prevent Over-development
  3. Promote a Healthy Environment
  4. Support Affordable Housing
  5. Ensure Responsive Government
  6. Improve Traffic Flow, Circulation and Walkability

Please note that the City of Santa Monica has a local per donor contribution limit of $325 to any single City Council candidate:

*Santa Monica Municipal Code Section

11.04.050(a) states: “No person shall make to any candidate for office or to the controlled committee of such a candidate a contribution or contributions totaling more than three hundred twenty five dollars for each election in which the candidate was on is on or is likely to be on the ballot or in which the candidate sought or seeks write-in votes.”

You may also mail checks to Feinstein for City Council 2014, 142 Hollister Ave., Santa Monica, CA 90405-3554

Paid for by Feinstein for City Council 2014, Treasurer Betty Ann Downing • FPPC #1368156