The following organizations and individuals have endorsed Michael Feinstein for Santa Monica City Council. Affiliations listed for identification purposes only. Go here to endorse.
Coalition of Santa Monica City Employees press release
Santa Monica Trades & Maintenance Teamsters Local 911
International Brotherhood of Teamsters Joint Council 32
Green Party of Los Angeles County press release
Los Angeles County Business Federation
Santa Monicans for Safe Access (SAMOSA)
Bike the Vote voter guide
Mike Bonin, Los Angeles City Councilmember, CD 11 press release
Bill Rosendahl, Los Angeles City Councilmember (ret.), CD 11, 2005-2013 press release
Nancy Pearlman, Board of Trustees, Los Angeles Community College District
Jeff Sklar, Santa Monica Rent Control Board member, 2000-2008
David Goddard, Chair, Santa Monica Airport Commission
Mike Myers, Chair, Santa Monica Arts Commission
Linda Piera-Avila, Vice-Chair, Santa Monica Urban Forest Task Force
Annie Goeke, Member and former Chair, Santa Monica Commission on the Status of Women
Simone Gordon, former member, Santa Monica Commission for the Senior Community
Joan Robey, former member, Santa Monica Arts Commission
Sandy Grant, former member, Santa Monica Task Force on the Environment
Eric Faber, former member, Santa Monica Pier Restoration Corporation
Neil Carrey, former member, Santa Monica Recreation and Parks Commission, 1999-2011
Gina de Baca, Co-Chair, Pico Neighborhood Association
Cathy Larson, Chair, Friends of Sunset Park Airport Committee
Mike Strader, Former Co-Chair, Ocean Park Community Organization; Senior Housing Analyst, City of Santa Monica 1990-2007
Delmy Falla, former Miramar Hotel Worker and HERE Local 814 organizer
Beth Leder-Pack, Co-founder, Santa Monicans Allied for Responsible Tourism
Leila Conners, Santa Monica; producer, the 11th Hour environmental movie, founder of Tree Media
Dan Rice, Santa Monica, Route 66 historian, author "End of the Road"
Trudy Goodwin, Founder/Executive Director at Imagine One Foundation
Rita Lowenthal, Santa Monica, Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace
John Malpede, Sana Monica, Founding Artistic Director, Los Angeles Poverty Department
Susan Weingartner, Santa Monica, Photographer/Animal Rights activist
Cynthia Santiago, Youth Advisory Leader, Virginia Park Youth Involvement Project, 2001-2006; Santa Monica High School Associated Student President, 2002-2003
Josefina Santiago Aranda, Pico Neighborhood
Cordula Ohman, Santa Monica, Main St. Community Gardens gardener
Tish Tisherman, Board of Directors, Meals on Wheels West
Ernie Powell, former Co-chair, Santa Monica Democratic Club, former Santa Monica Pier Boardmember; former Santa Monica Recreation and Parks Commissioner
Blase and Theresa Bonpane, Santa Monica, Co-founders, Office of the Americas
Mary de la Rosa, Teacher, Will Rogers Learning Community
Elaine Schulman, Santa Monica, Psychologist
Benjamin and Doris Stegall, Santa Monica, Associated Square Dancers
Rodney Punt, Santa Monica, former Chair, Santa Monica Convention and Visitors Bureau
Jeffrey Graham, Santa Monica
Tom Francis, Save Ballona Wetlands activist
Ned Landin, Musician/Street Performer, Santa Monica Pier and Third Street Promenade
Jesse Ramirez, Student Trustee, Santa Monica College Board of Trustees, 2013-2014
Joshua Scuteri, Student Trustee, Santa Monica College Board of Trustees, 2011-2012
Taynara Costa-Moura, President, Santa Monica College Associated Students, 2013-2014
Parker Jean, President, Santa Monica College Associated Students, 2012-2013
Jon Kent Ethridge II, Associated Student Government, Co-organizer of TEDxSMC, Santa Monica College
Luis Rodriguez, San Fernando, Poet Laureate, Los Angeles
Larry Bragman City Councilmember and former Mayor, Fairfax, California
Jill Stein and Cheri Honkala, Green Party presidential/vice-presidential candidates, 2012
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